Architecture vs. Platform vs. Infrastructure

There are three terms that many use interchangeably: platform, infrastructure and architecture. For the purposes of this course, and as used by Wagner, Lee and Glaser, these terms are defined more distinctly. Platform refers to the specific technologies and vendors an organization utilizes (e.g. Windows platform or web based platform). It is the term infrastructure that refers to the organizations networks and the applications that run on them. Where the term architecture is much more broad and encompasses not only the platform and infrastructure but is defined by the information system goals and mission of the organization. For instance, if their goal is to create an inexpensive EHR system where the users can view their health record remotely. Then their architecture will reflect this mission by incorporating fault tolerant networks and systems. The remote access and cost will influence their choice of vendors. Taken all together - this is the organization's information system architecture.

Wager KA, Lee FW, Glaser JP, Wager KA. Health care information systems: a practical approach for health care management. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass; 2009.